Monday, November 12, 2007

OpenOffice breaks with pixmap themes... not good!


Apparently, dark themes mess up OpenOffice with Gutsy--or at least the best dark theme out there, Neutronium Unity.

Some options don't open at all and crash it, and the icons don't show anymore. For instance, the Colors section in "Options" does this.

Can anyone confirm, and is there any fix for this?

Thanks :)

EDIT: It's any theme based on the Pixmap engine, and perhaps it's been fixed, but there's no update to Gutsy yet.

1 comment:

Brijesh Chauhan said...

Happens to me also. The instruction.txt says to change something by going to options>>view. But it crashes everytime I click on view. I really cant work on Black paper in work and excel. Is there any work around?